Wi Fi PHY TestBench IP
This simulation environment requires a ModelSim tool license from Mentor Graphics and the C language compiler recommended by ModelSim according with the OS. Comsis PHY IPs have been validated using ModelSim SE 10.0c version. Minor modifications can be needed to run the IPs in a newer ModelSim version.
Testbench includes a tcl package to be added to the ModelSim tcl packages folder MODELSIM_INSTALL_PATH/tcl/tc llib1.5
This IP will complete Comsis IPs portfolio (802.11a/b/g/n/i/e/p/
The c6i3e80211nTxRxBenchAD9361 is a SystemVerilog test bench featuring a transmission between two Comsis 802.11n PHY (V2x2_10_AD_10_802_11n_DesignAD9361) modules through a virtual channel. This PHY design is compatible with the Analog Device AD9361 RF transceiver. The simulation parameters such as the modulation or the frame length are read from a the configuration file.
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Block Diagram of the Wi Fi PHY TestBench IP

- Wi-Fi 6 (ax)+BLEv5.4+15.4 Dual Band RF IP for High-End Applications.
- Multi-protocol wireless plaform integrating 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6), Bluetooth 5.4 Dual Mode, 802.15.4 (for Thread, Zigbee and Matter)
- Ceva-Waves 802.11be (Wi-Fi 7) 2x2 MAC & Modem AP
- Wi-Fi 802.11 ax/Wi-Fi 6 /Bluetooth LE v5.4/15.4-2.4GHz RF Transceiver IP for IOT Application in TSMC22 ULL
- Wi-Fi WPA3 MAC
- High Performance Fractional-N RF Frequency Synthesizer PLLs for 5G, WiFi, etc