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Power On Reset (POR)
- The Power on Reset circuit, hcl_gf40_por_1p8_3p3 has three configuration and their specifications are listed as below:
- Mode0 1.8 and Mode1 3.3 V supply mode
- MODE 0 Rise and Fall Delay on a slope of 1V/1µs 2.184 and 3.194 µs respectively.
- MODE 0 Rise and Fall Delay on a slope of 1V/100ns 1.284 and 3.144 µs respectively.
- MODE 1 Rise and Fall Delay on a slope of 1V/1us 5.202 and 8.483 µs respectively.
- MODE 1 Rise and Fall Delay on a slope of 1V/100ns 5.068 and 8.279 µs respectively.
- Quiescent Current 5.176 µA
- Area 200 um X 200 um
- Technology Node: GF 40nm 1P7M
- Note: The POR hcl_gf40_por_1p8_3p3 can be configured for both the modes and just for one of the modes Mode 0 and Mode 1 which can work on different supply voltages VDDA and VBAT as shown in Figure 1
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Block Diagram of the Power On Reset (POR)

Power IP
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