400G ultra low latency 56/112G FEC and SERDES IP sub 10ns latency
NVM Express IP Core
SSD and server manufacturers benefit from this new technology thanks to the driver standardization. All PCIe SSDs which are NVM Express compliant will be supported by a unique driver, whic leads in a ease of use and a software development cost reduction.
Using pre-validated NVMe IP core, allows to greatly reduce Time-To-Market for storage OEM who wants to benefit from a powerful data transfer manager. The NVMe IP core is full featured, easy to use into FPGA and SoC designs.
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Block Diagram of the NVM Express Host IP Core

Video Demo of the NVM Express Host IP Core
This is the NVM Express demo from IP-Maker demonstrated at Flash Memory Summit 2022, Santa Clara, CA. The NVMe IP is integrated in a FPGA-based board including all the mandatory features of the NVM Express specification 2.0. NVMe protocol is observed with a protocol analyzer from Teledyne Lecroy.