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Hardware RTP Stack for JPEG Stream Encapsulation
The JPEG2RTP can be directly connected to the output of a JPEG encoder to output RTP packets, which can subsequently be forwarded for UDP/IP or TCP/IP encapsulation. The hardware stack produces complete RTP packets, without the need for any host-processor assistance. Along with CAST’s UDP/IP hardware stack, the JPEG2RTP core is ideal for offloading the demanding task of RTP/UDP/IP encapsulation from a host processor, and enables JPEG video streaming even in processor-less SoC designs.
The core is easy to integrate in systems with or without a host processor. JPEG stream and RTP packet data are input/output via dedicated streaming-capable AMBA® AXI4®-Stream or Altera® Avalon®-ST interfaces, enabling direct connection to hardware video encoders and hardware stacks for UDP or TCP. Status and control registers are accessible by AXI4-Lite or Avalon-MM interface.
The JPEG2RTP core is available in RTL source or as a targeted FPGA netlist. Platforms integrating the core along with JPEG encoder, UDP/IP, and eMAC cores, are available from CAST, and can enable rapid development of video over IP systems.
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Block Diagram of the Hardware RTP Stack for JPEG Stream Encapsulation

RTP Stack for JPEG IP
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- Hardware RTP Stack for H.264 Stream Encapsulation
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