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YCrCb to RGB Color-Space Converter
The Xilinx YCrCb to RGB Color Space Conversion LogiCORE™ is an optimized hardware block for converting YCrCb video data to the RGB color space.
Video system designers frequently need to convert video data between various color spaces. The Xilinx YCrCb to RGB Color-space Converter LogiCORE has built-in support for 5 formats and 3 range standards. The implementation is a simplified 3x3 constant coefficient matrix multiplier, which uses only 4 multipliers exploiting the inter-relations of YCrCb to RGB coefficients. The module is optimized to take advantage of multiply-add capabilities of XtremeDSP slices.
Video system designers frequently need to convert video data between various color spaces. The Xilinx YCrCb to RGB Color-space Converter LogiCORE has built-in support for 5 formats and 3 range standards. The implementation is a simplified 3x3 constant coefficient matrix multiplier, which uses only 4 multipliers exploiting the inter-relations of YCrCb to RGB coefficients. The module is optimized to take advantage of multiply-add capabilities of XtremeDSP slices.
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