USB 2.0 PHY IP,在 TSMC 40LP/LL 中经过硅验证
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Block Diagram of the USB 2.0 PHY IP,在 TSMC 40LP/LL 中经过硅验证

- USB 2.0 OTG High / Full / Low- Speed Dual Role IP Core
- USB2.0 PHY, 8-bit or a 16-bit parallel interface, remaining backward compatible with USB1.1 legacy protocol at 12Mbps
- USB2.0 Host Transceiver PHY
- USB2.0 OTG PHY supporting UTMI+ level 3 interface - 40LL / 110G / 130G / 130EF
- USB2.0 OTG PHY supporting UTMI+ level 3 interface - 28HK/55LL
- Embedded Host Controller 2.0