Secure-IC's Securyzr™ Digital Sensor: Universal and Digital Fault Injection Attack Detector can be used across all processes
Unlike analog sensors which are dedicated to the detection of a specific perturbation attack, the Digital Sensor is designed to detect various threats belonging to the family of Fault Injection Attacks (FIA):
- Input clock frequency (clock glitches, overclocking)
- Input voltage (power glitches, underfeeding)
- Temperature (heating)
- Radiations (laser spot, light spot, electromagnetic)
Digital Sensor converts all monitored stresses into a timing stress which is then measured. When a threat is detected, it provides the system with a measurement of the threat’s level and it raises the hardware alarm.
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Block Diagram of the Secure-IC's Securyzr™ Digital Sensor: Universal and Digital Fault Injection Attack Detector can be used across all processes