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High Performance Scalable Sensor Hub DSP Architecture
专门用于边缘深度学习的低功耗AI处理器系列。 提供独立的专用AI处理器,为包括物联网,智能手机,监控,汽车,机器人,医疗和工业在内的广泛终端市场提供性能扩展。 NeuPro建立在CEVA在计算机视觉应用深层神经网络领域的行业领先地位和经验的基础上。 数十家客户已经将CEVA-XM4和CEVA-XM6视觉平台与CDNN神经网络软件框架一起部署在消费,监控和ADAS产品中。 这个全新的专用AI处理器系列在性能方面提供了相当大的提升,从入门级处理器的2 Tera Ops(TOPS)到最高级配置的12.5 TOPS。
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Block Diagram of the High Performance Scalable Sensor Hub DSP Architecture
Sensor IP
- Secure-IC's Securyzr™ Digital Sensor: Universal and Digital Fault Injection Attack Detector can be used across all processes
- Very compact (500 LUTs) Camera Sensor Receiver Interface Converting from MIPI CSI-2 to AXI4-Stream Video Standard
- Ultra low power temperature sensor for X-FAB 350nm
- Temperature Sensor with Digital Output (High accuracy thermal sensing for reliability and optimisation), TSMC N7
- Sensor fusion solutions for augmented and virtual reality, robotics, motion controllers, and IoT
- PVT Sensor TSMC 40G