NVM Anti-Fuse OTP NeoFuse in UMC (110nm, 80nm, 55nm, 40nm, 28nm, 22nm)
DDR5 Temperature Sensor I3C / I2C
All TS5 devices respond to specific pre-defined device select code on the I2C/I3C Bus
Note: JESD302-1A and also we have JESD302-1
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Block Diagram of the DDR5 Temperature Sensor I3C / I2C

Sensor IP
- Secure-IC's Securyzr™ Digital Sensor: Universal and Digital Fault Injection Attack Detector can be used across all processes
- High Performance Scalable Sensor Hub DSP Architecture
- Very compact (500 LUTs) Camera Sensor Receiver Interface Converting from MIPI CSI-2 to AXI4-Stream Video Standard
- Ultra low power temperature sensor for X-FAB 350nm
- Temperature Sensor with Digital Output (High accuracy thermal sensing for reliability and optimisation), TSMC N7
- Sensor fusion solutions for augmented and virtual reality, robotics, motion controllers, and IoT