Inline Memory Encryption (IME) Security Module for DDR/LPDDR
CC-100IP-RF Analog and RF Sensitivity Enhancement IP
The RF sensitivity Enhanced Hyper Cap IP is meant to replace or work in parallel with existing on chip decoupling capacitors, thus can be shaped into various aspect ratios and sizes to fit on-chip “white space”, the area under power grids, etc. in the same fashion as typical on-chip decoupling capacitors. In similar fashion to typical decoupling capacitors, the IP blocks can be connected in parallel to increase overall Power Grid Impedance Matching, RF emission reduction, reservoir capability, and effective capacitance.
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Block Diagram of the CC-100IP-RF Analog and RF Sensitivity Enhancement IP

Video Demo of the CC-100IP-RF Analog and RF Sensitivity Enhancement IP
The CC-100-RF IP module embedded in a PowerStic module for evaluation.