WAVE6331 is a 4K multi-standard video codec HW IP that supports AV1, HEVC/H.265, AVC/H.264, and VP9 video codec standard. It provides 4K120fps@550MHz real-time encoding and decoding performance with a single-core solution.
WAVE6331 is based on New WAVE6 architecture which is the latest C&M video architecture. New WAVE6 architecture is designed to cover a wide range of requirements from customers who are looking for high-performance and high-quality encoder IP. In order to achieve improved encoding image quality, WAVE6 encoding tools have been enhanced from WAVE5 encoding tools. The additional improvements in WAVE6 architecture are shown in the following as well:
▶ Improved bandwidth efficiency
▶ Reduced external memory size & latency during the encoding process
▶ Competitive IP size & single-clock domain design
WAVE637DV is a favorable video IP solution for edge servers (video transcoding, data center, and video analytics), mobile devices, GPU, automotive, surveillance, AR/VR, and various consumer devices.