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32-bit version of 8-bit 65C02 microprocessor
The V65C32 is a synthesizable VHDL (soft) core design which is object code compatible with MOS Technologies's (and others') popular 8-bit 65C02 microprocessor, but adds modes that allows it to operate on 16 and 32 bit operands. The V65C32 is intended to be used in system-on-a-chip applications constructed using gate-arrays or standard cells. It should be especially interesting to designers who currently use 65C02s in embedded control applications and want to integrate its functionality with other designs/peripherals/etc. onto a single chip (ASIC) while adding additional data manipulation functionality.
The V65C32 is a fully synchronous design and contains no microcode; all control is implemented via state machines. It is written in synthesizable VHDL using IEEE standard libraries. It uses a single clock.
The V65C32 also contains debug assist hardware to provide "ICE"-like debugging access. This hardware is intended to be accessed through a JTAG port (a JTAG interface is also available).
The design kit includes the synthesizable VHDL model, a sample synthesis script, a sample constraint file, a VHDL test bench, and test stimulus files.
VLSI Concepts can provide customization of the design, if requested.
Design and integration assistance is also available from VLSI Concepts.
The V65C32 is a fully synchronous design and contains no microcode; all control is implemented via state machines. It is written in synthesizable VHDL using IEEE standard libraries. It uses a single clock.
The V65C32 also contains debug assist hardware to provide "ICE"-like debugging access. This hardware is intended to be accessed through a JTAG port (a JTAG interface is also available).
The design kit includes the synthesizable VHDL model, a sample synthesis script, a sample constraint file, a VHDL test bench, and test stimulus files.
VLSI Concepts can provide customization of the design, if requested.
Design and integration assistance is also available from VLSI Concepts.
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