2.5 Gb/s Digital RF Up Converter for AD9739A
It includes the following functions:
An Interpolation x16 + RF Modulation per each independent RF channel
An Output Processing module which combines up to 32 independent RF interpolator channels
A clock management module
An OSERDES module which connects the LVDS IO to the RF DAC
A CPU BUS to configure the parameters of the Upconverter
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Block Diagram of the 2.5 Gb/s Digital RF Up Converter for AD9739A

Up Converter IP
- The GF28SLPV25_ADC_13 IP is a 2.5V 12Bit pipeline analog to digital converter capable of running at up to 100MHz conversion rate with 2Vp-p input range.
- The GF55LPEV25_ADC_13 IP is a 2.5V 12Bit pipeline analog to digital converter capable of running at up to 100MHz conversion rate with 2Vp-p input range.
- The S55LLEV25_ADC_13 IP is a 2.5V 12Bit pipeline analog to digital converter capable of running at up to 100MHz conversion rate with 2Vp-p input range.
- The GF22FDSOIV08_SARADC_05 IP is a 2.5V 12Bit pipeline analog to digital converter capable of running at up to 100MHz conversion rate with 2Vp-p input range.
- 1.8-2.6V to 2.7-3.0V step up DC/DC converter
- 32-kHz Bandwidth Reconfigurable Delta-Sigma ADC providing up to 13 ENOB