Cortus 加入物联网创新联盟 (AIOTI)
May 20, 2022 -- Montpellier, France -- Cortus SAS and the AIOTI announce that Cortus has joined the Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation. AIOTI is the multi-stakeholder platform for stimulating IoT Innovation in Europe, bringing together small and large companies, start-ups and scale-ups, academia, policy makers and end-users and representatives of society in an end-to-end approach. Cortus SAS is a European IoT innovator with expertise ranging from secure embedded systems to high performance multi-processor systems.
Cortus offers a complete single chip Internet-of-Things (IoT) solution based around its secure and ultra-low power CIoT25 device. It is fully supported by a comprehensive Software Development Kit (SDK) for the DASH7 and Wi-SUN wireless communication protocols. It provides a reference platform that software and hardware designers can leverage to get their product to market in as short a time as possible. The Cortus CIoT25 System-on-Chip (SoC) is an ideal solution for IoT-connected smart home and building devices and other applications such as Electronic Shelf Label (ESL), Logistics, Parking, etc. Engineering samples of this device along with a reference platform and complete SDK are currently being delivered to selected clients.
Cortus sees IoT as increasingly key to society, with needs and opportunities constantly emerging. Their unique set of talents and expertise are fully aligned with these challenges and the AIOTI will be a solid springboard into this connected future.
Cortus has extensive experience developing embedded connectivity, security and IoT solutions for customers based around its rich IP portfolio and sector knowledge. This experience will contribute to the AIOTI extending the depth and extent of the resources available to the whole of their membership.
The world of IoT offers a number of interesting challenges – power consumption, connectivity and most importantly security. Connectivity implies interoperability and it is here that an alliance federates disparate actors. Cortus feels that collaboration is a key aspect to ensuring that the benefits of IoT and the associated technologies are deployed seamlessly and without threat to security. The AIOTI is the perfect platform for this collaboration.
Michael Chapman (CEO) said “I am certain that my IoT teams will be able to contribute their expertise and collaborate with the other members of AIOTI to move the industry forward.”
Damir Filipovic (Secretary General) said “I am pleased to welcome Cortus into our alliance, collaboration and standardisation fuels the growth of the internet of things and enables effective edge computing by providing frameworks that guide the interoperability of data and devices.”
AIOTI is the multi-stakeholder platform for stimulating IoT Innovation in Europe, bringing together small and large companies, start-ups and scale-ups, academia, policy makers and end-users and representatives of society in an end-to-end approach. We work with partners in a global context. We strive to leverage, share and promote best practices in the IoT ecosystems, be a one-stop point of information on all relevant aspects of IoT Innovation to its members while proactively addressing key issues and roadblocks for economic growth, acceptance and adoption of IoT Innovation in society.
AIOTI’s contribution goes beyond technology and addresses horizontal elements across application domains, such as matchmaking and stimulating cooperation in IoT ecosystems, creating joint research roadmaps, driving convergence of standards and interoperability and defining policies. We also put them in practice in vertical application domains with societal and economic relevance.
About Cortus SAS
Cortus is a fabless semiconductor manufacturing company headquartered in Mauguio (near Montpellier, France).
Cortus provides IC devices from a simple MCU to a high-end SoC based around its broad IP portfolio which includes processor, digital, analog, mixed-signal, RF and security IP; in many areas such as Automotive, IoT/NB-IoT and Industrial. Over 9 billion devices have been manufactured containing Cortus processors and IP.
Cortus is a core contributing member and board member of the DASH7 Alliance.
Cortus is a member of the Wi-SUN Alliance.
Cortus is a Platinum Founding Member of the RISC-V Foundation and strategic member of RISC-V International.
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